
  1. Create a new .Rmd file. Choose the HTML file type.

  1. Insert level-1 headers as listed below and knit the document:

    • Introduction

    • Aims

    • Data

    • Importation

    • Data Transformation

    • Visualization

    • Conclusions

  1. Insert two level-2 headers below the “Visualization” header:

Then, knit the document to verify the structure.

  1. Write plain text below the “Introduction” header.

For example:

This notebook was created during the "Bioinformatica e Data Science per la Biologia" module in Spring 2025 and will serve as a template for future R Markdown files.

Try to include some bold and italicized words.

Additionally, add a hyperlink to the course website: Course Website.

Finally, knit the document.

  1. Add the following unordered list below the “Aims” section and knit the document:
    Data will be:

    -   importated 
    -   transformed
    -   visualized 
        - plot A 
        - plot B 
    -   commented 

  1. Add an ordered list in the “Data Importation” section with the following items:

    • file1

    • file2

    • file3

  1. Add the University of Milan logo (image) to the “Introduction” section.

  1. Make the “Visualization” section a tabbed section.

  1. Download two different images from the internet and insert them into “Image 1” and “Image 2” respectively. Then knit the document.

  1. Take some time to observe your result.

    • Try to center the images you inserted.

    • Resize them if necessary using the {width=50%} syntax.

    • Link one section to another using the Link Text syntax.

    • Get comfortable with R Markdown language and explore other formatting options.