The goal today is to create a complete paper-figure. We will use a dataset downloaded from that contains data on athletes across the olympic history. The structure of the final figure will be:

Today I will not tell you which graphical parmaters you can use, but you have to do your best to make your plots nice! Notice… you can change legend name using +labs()

  1. First, let’s take a look to the dataset. Load athlete_events.csv from Datasets folder, assign it to a variable ath and explore it (you can also use the link above for the description of columns). How many lines does the dataset contain? How many unique people are included?

## [1] 271116     15
## [1] 134732

  1. Second step: let’s make some figures that describe the dataset. Remember to assign each plot to a variable PlotN (Plot1, Plot2, …). In this way you will be able to insert it in the structure later on. Make: (Noticing that each time you have to make some transformations to the dataset to keep only the unique() version of the columns you need. In fact, for example, a same person can partecipate to more than one game type, but if you are interested in people that partecipated to olympic games during a year you would not to count twice that person)

    • A barplot Plot1 representing the unique number of male and female athletes that partecipated each year to olympic games. Make it with percentages. Hint: remember to transform year from continous to categorical
    • A violin plot Plot2 representing ages of athletes at each NOC divided by male and females. Also identify the youngest and the oldest athetes for both males and females and add their names on plot in the right place (if more than one per sex and min/max exist choose only the first to plot). Notice that many values of age are missing. Hint: for the annotation use F and M for x positions
    • Plot the 2d distribution (Plot3) of Height and Weigth of all athletes in all NOC Hint: explore for some ideas
ol=unique(ath[, c("Name", "Sex", "Year")])

Plot1=ggplot(ol, aes(x=as.character(Year), fill=Sex))+geom_bar(position="fill")+scale_fill_manual(values=c("M"="cornflowerblue", "F"="magenta"))+theme_bw()+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))+xlab("year")+ylab("% males and females")

ag=unique(ath[, c("Name", "Sex","NOC", "Age")])
f=subset(ag, Sex=="F")
min_f=subset(f, Age==min(f$Age, na.rm = T))$Name[1]
max_f=subset(f, Age==max(f$Age, na.rm = T))$Name[1]
max_f="E.L. Ernesta Robert-Mrignac"

m=subset(ag, Sex=="M")
min_m=subset(m, Age==min(m$Age, na.rm = T))$Name[1]
max_m=subset(m, Age==max(m$Age, na.rm = T))$Name[1]

Plot2=ggplot(ag, aes(x=Sex,y=Age, fill=Sex))+geom_violin()+scale_fill_manual(values=c("M"="cornflowerblue", "F"="magenta"))+theme_bw()+xlab("Althete sex")+ylab("Years old")+ 
annotate(geom="text", label=min_f, x="F", y=11)+
annotate(geom="text", label=max_f, x="F", y=74)+
annotate(geom="text", label=min_m, x="M", y=10)+
annotate(geom="text", label=max_m, x="M", y=97)

aw=unique(ath[, c("Name", "Sex","NOC", "Height", "Weight")])

Plot3=ggplot(aw, aes(x=Height,y=Weight))+stat_density_2d(aes(fill = ..level..), geom = "polygon", colour="white")+theme_bw()+scale_fill_gradient(low="darkslateblue", high="deepskyblue")+labs(fill="Level")

  1. Now, we want to see, in all olympic history, how many Gold, Silver and Bronze males and female athletes won. First, let’s create a dataframe with table() result of Sex and Metal. Then, create a table plot using this data and assign it to a variable Table.
library(ggpubr)$Sex, ath$Medal))
colnames(ta)=c("Sex", "Medal", "Number of medals")

Table=ggtexttable(ta, rows = NULL, 
            theme = ttheme(base_style ="classic", padding = unit(c(15, 4), "mm")))

  1. Make a barplot Plot4 using data of the table you created. Create a dodged plot indicating as x Medals, y the Number of medals and fill Sex.
Plot4=ggplot(ta, aes(x=Medal,y=`Number of medals`, fill=Sex))+geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge", color="black")+scale_fill_manual(values=c("M"="cornflowerblue", "F"="magenta"))+theme_bw()

  1. Finally, subset ath keeping only Gold medals. Then:
    • add a column Range_of_time in which you label years according to the following steps: <=1930, >1930 & <=1972, >1972 & <=1999 and >1999 (use values “early 90s”, “middle 90s”, “late 90s” and “00s”)
    • make a pie chart representing the percentages of medals winned in all ranges of time by female athletes. Hint: visit for a guide and trasform Range_of_time values into factors to make an ordered plot
    • the same as before, but for male athletes
gold=subset(ath, Medal=="Gold")
gold$Range_of_time<-"early 90s"
gold$Range_of_time[which(gold$Year>1930 & gold$Year<=1972)]="middle 90s"
gold$Range_of_time[which(gold$Year>1972 & gold$Year<=1999)]="late 90s"

gold_f=subset(gold, Sex=="F")$Range_of_time)))

gold_f$Var1=factor(gold_f$Var1, levels=c("00s","late 90s","middle 90s","early 90s"))

gold_m=subset(gold, Sex=="M")$Range_of_time)))

gold_m$Var1=factor(gold_m$Var1, levels=c("00s","late 90s","middle 90s","early 90s"))

Plot5=ggplot(gold_f, aes(x="",y=Freq, fill=Var1))+geom_bar(color="black",position="fill", stat="identity")+coord_polar("y")+theme_bw()+xlab(NULL)+ylab(NULL)+labs(fill="Range of time")+theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())+
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("00s"="steelblue1","late 90s"="deeppink1","middle 90s"="gold","early 90s"="seagreen2"))+
  ggtitle("Gold medals females")

Plot6=ggplot(gold_m, aes(x="",y=Freq, fill=Var1))+geom_bar(color="black",position="fill", stat="identity")+coord_polar("y")+theme_bw()+xlab(NULL)+ylab(NULL)+labs(fill="Range of time")+theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())+
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("00s"="steelblue1","late 90s"="deeppink1","middle 90s"="gold","early 90s"="seagreen2"))+
  ggtitle("Gold medals males")

  1. It’s time for us to make the final figure. We have to nest ggarrange() functions as each line has specific numbers of plots and different column widths. Let’s build a block at time:
    • Use ggarrange() to combine Plot1 and Plot2 in one row. Put labels “A” and “B”. Assign this figure to a variable a.
    • Use ggarrange() to combine Plot3, Table and Plot4 in one row. Fix widths=c(1, 1.5,1). Put labels “C”, “D” and “E”. Assign this figure to a variable b.
    • Use ggarrange() to combine Plot5 and Plot6 in one row. Put labels “F” and “G”. Assign this figure to a variable c.
    • Use ggarrange to combine a, b and c and assign this figure to a variable plot.
    • Use annotate_figure() for adding annotations on left and bottom sides. Remember to fix “bold” as face and to rotate annotation on the left
    • Print your figure.
    • Save your figure in pdf(), choosing width and height (I personally used width=unit(10, "cm"), height = unit(9, "cm")).
    Notice: you can manipulate legend paramenters and so on to make the figure nicer.


a=ggarrange(plotlist = list(Plot1, Plot2), nrow = 1, common.legend = F,  legend ="none", labels = c("A", "B"), vjust = 1.1)

b=ggarrange(plotlist = list(Plot3, Table, Plot4), nrow = 1,widths = c(1,1.5, 1), legend = "right", labels = c("C", "D", "E"), vjust = 1.1)

c=ggarrange(plotlist = list(Plot5, Plot6), nrow = 1, common.legend = T, legend = "right", labels = c("F", "G"), vjust = 1.1)

plot=ggarrange(plotlist = list(a,b,c),nrow=3 ,common.legend = T)
                bottom = text_grob("Figure n. 1", face = "bold", size = 14),
                left = text_grob("Exploration of data on athletes across the olympic history", rot = 90, face = "bold", size = 14))


#pdf("~/Downloads/prova.pdf", useDingbats = F, width=unit(10, "cm"), height = unit(9, "cm"))