
Optimizing code to make it run faster is an iterative process:

Step What to do Me
01 Find the biggest bottleneck the slowest part of your code
02 Try to eliminate it you may not succeed but that’s ok
03 Repeat until your code is “fast enough” This sounds easy, but it’s not

Instead of relying on your intuition, you should profile your code:

use realistic inputs and measure the run-time of each individual operation.

Only once you’ve identified the most important bottlenecks can you attempt to eliminate them.


lineprof package helps in measuring the performance of R code.

# devtools::install_github("hadley/lineprof")
# install.packages("profvis")

Measuring performance

To speed up computations it can be usefull to

check how much time R spends in its calculations.

Function Action
Rprof() enables profiling of the execution of R expressions
summaryRprof() shows the amount of time used by different R functions.



##   year incidence
## 1 1936       0.9
## 2 1937       0.8
## 3 1938       0.8
## 4 1939       1.3
## 5 1940       1.4
## 6 1941       1.2

Let’s fit X as regression model on incidence and be y the years.

Use the least squares formula to approximate solution of this overdetermined system.

Least squares means that the overall solution minimizes the sum of the squares of the errors made in the results of every single equation.

Text book formula for least squares estimate:

\[[ t(X)*X ]*t(X)*y\]

 # let be (X,y) our overdetermined system
#     or a system of linear equations.

X <- model.matrix(~incidence+I(incidence^2)+I(incidence^3),

y <- melanoma$year

lsfit1 <- function(X, y) {
  # solve() solves the equation a %*% x = b
  solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y

Rprof() # Function that I wanna profile ________

for (ii in 1:10000) lsfit1(X,y)

Rprof(NULL) # close profiling ________


## timings sorted by ‘total’ time
# time  = times in seconds spent executing code in that function
# pct   = percentages of the total time spent executing code in that function

##                           total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
## "eval_with_user_handlers"       0.26    100.00      0.02     7.69
## "block_exec"                    0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "call_block"                    0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "eng_r"                         0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "evaluate_call"                 0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "evaluate::evaluate"            0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "evaluate"                      0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "FUN"                           0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "generator$render"              0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "handle"                        0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "in_dir"                        0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "in_input_dir"                  0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "knitr::knit"                   0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "lapply"                        0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "process_file"                  0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "process_group.block"           0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "process_group"                 0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "render_one"                    0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "rmarkdown::render_site"        0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "rmarkdown::render"             0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "sapply"                        0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "suppressMessages"              0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "timing_fn"                     0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "withCallingHandlers"           0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "withVisible"                   0.26    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "eval"                          0.24     92.31      0.00     0.00
## "lsfit1"                        0.24     92.31      0.00     0.00
## "solve"                         0.16     61.54      0.00     0.00
## "solve.default"                 0.10     38.46      0.04    15.38
## "t.default"                     0.08     30.77      0.08    30.77
## "t"                             0.08     30.77      0.00     0.00
## "%*%"                           0.04     15.38      0.04    15.38
## "colnames<-"                    0.02      7.69      0.02     7.69
## "diag"                          0.02      7.69      0.02     7.69
## "findCenvVar"                   0.02      7.69      0.02     7.69
## "lazyLoadDBfetch"               0.02      7.69      0.02     7.69
## "cmp"                           0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "cmpBuiltinArgs"                0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "cmpCall"                       0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "cmpfun"                        0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "compiler:::tryCmpfun"          0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "doTryCatch"                    0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "findLocVar"                    0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "genCode"                       0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "h"                             0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "tryCatch"                      0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "tryCatchList"                  0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "tryCatchOne"                   0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00
## "tryInline"                     0.02      7.69      0.00     0.00


There are some other limitations to profiling:

  • Profiling does not extend to C code. You can see if your R code calls C/C++ code but not what functions are called inside of your C/C++ code. Unfortunately, tools for profiling compiled code are beyond the scope of this book (i.e., I have no idea how to do it).

  • Similarly, you can’t see what’s going on inside primitive functions or byte code compiled code.

What to do?

Once you’ve used profiling to identify a bottleneck, you need to make it faster. The following sections introduce you to a number of techniques.

  • Look for existing solutions.
  • Do less work.
  • Vectorise.
  • Parallelise.
  • Avoid copies.
  • Byte-code compile.

A final technique is to:

  • rewrite in a faster language, like C++.

That’s a big topic and is covered in Rcpp.

Code organisation

There are two traps that are easy to fall into when trying to make your code faster:

  1. Writing faster but incorrect code.
  1. Writing code that you think is faster, but is actually no better.

When tackling a bottleneck, you’re likely to come up with multiple approaches.

Write a function for each approach, encapsulating all relevant behaviour.

This makes it easier to check that each approach returns the correct result and to time how long it takes to run.

mean1 <- function(x) mean(x)
mean2 <- function(x) sum(x) / length(x)

Use this test case to quickly check that all variants return the same result.

An easy way to do so is with stopifnot() and all.equal().

x <- runif(100)
stopifnot( all.equal(mean1(x), mean2(x)) )

Finally, use the microbenchmark package to compare how long each variation takes to run.


  ,unit = "us"
## Unit: microseconds
##      expr    min     lq     mean  median     uq      max neval cld
##  mean1(x) 15.793 16.292 24.22022 16.3755 16.501  656.417   100   a
##  mean2(x) 12.167 12.584 26.61483 12.6670 12.751 1342.584   100   a

Do as little as possible

The easiest way to make a function faster is to let it do less work.

One way to do that is to use a function tailored to a more specific type of input or output, or a more specific problem.

Here few examples that can save computational time:

  1. rowSums(), colSums(), rowMeans(), and colMeans() are faster than equivalent invocations that use apply() because they are vectorised.

  2. vapply() is faster than sapply() because it pre-specifies the output type.

  3. If you want to see if a vector contains a single value, any(x == 10) is much faster than 10 %in% x. This is because testing equality is simpler than testing inclusion in a set.

  1. Some functions coerce their inputs into a specific type. If your input is not the right type, the function has to do extra work. The most common example of this problem is using apply() on a data frame. apply() always turns its input into a matrix, this is also slower.
  1. Other functions will do less work if you give them more information about the problem. Some examples include:
  • read.csv(): specify known column types with colClasses.

  • factor(): specify known levels with levels.

  • cut(): don’t generate labels with labels = FALSE if you don’t need them, or, even better, use findInterval() as mentioned in the see also section of the documentation.

  • unlist(x, use.names = FALSE) is much faster than unlist(x).

  1. Sometimes you can make a function faster by avoiding method dispatch.
#> [1] mean,ANY-method          mean,Matrix-method       mean,sparseMatrix-method
#> [4] mean,sparseVector-method mean.Date                mean.default            
#> [7] mean.difftime            mean.POSIXct             mean.POSIXlt            
#>[10] mean.quosure*            mean.yearmon*            mean.yearqtr*           
#>[13] mean.zoo*     
#>see '?methods' for accessing help and source code

For example, calling mean.default() quite a bit faster than calling mean() for small vectors:

x <- runif(1e2)

  , unit ='us'
## Unit: microseconds
##             expr    min     lq     mean median     uq    max neval cld
##          mean(x) 14.584 14.667 14.91155 14.709 14.834 21.792   100   b
##  mean.default(x) 13.751 13.834 14.07645 13.876 14.000 25.542   100  a

Knowing that you’re dealing with a specific type of input can be another way to write faster code.

For example, is quite slow because it coerces each element into a data frame and then rbind()s them together.

quickdf <- function(l) {
  class(l) <- "data.frame"
  attr(l, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(length(l[[1]]))

l <- lapply(1:26, function(i) runif(1e3))
names(l) <- letters

  quick_df      = quickdf(l), =
## Unit: microseconds
##           expr     min       lq       mean   median       uq      max neval cld
##       quick_df   6.292   7.1465   41.03148   8.9800   10.626 3078.125   100  a 
## 943.917 969.6260 1048.51646 994.8965 1139.917 1307.125   100   b

This method is fast because it’s dangerous. If you give it bad inputs, you’ll get a corrupt data frame:

quickdf(list(x = 1, y = 1:2))
## Warning in (omit) x[seq_len(n0), , drop = FALSE] else x, :
## corrupt data frame: columns will be truncated or padded with NAs
##   x y
## 1 1 1


Vectorization is the process of converting an algorithm from operating on a single value at a time to operating on a set of values at one time

Vectorising your code is not just about avoiding for loops, although that’s often a step. There are two key attributes of a vectorised function:

  • Instead of having to think about the components of a vector, you only think about entire vectors.

  • The loops in a vectorised function are written in C instead of R. Loops in C are much faster because they have much less overhead.

Vectorised functions that apply to many common performance bottlenecks include:

  • rowSums(), colSums(), rowMeans(), and colMeans(). These vectorised matrix functions will always be faster than using apply().

Vectorised subsetting can lead to big improvements in speed.

  • Matrix algebra is a general example of vectorisation. There loops are executed by highly tuned external libraries. If you can figure out a way to use matrix algebra to solve your problem, you’ll often get a very fast solution.

The downside of vectorisation is that it makes it harder to predict how operations will scale.

The following example measures how long it takes to use character subsetting to lookup 1, 10, and 100 elements from a list. You might expect that looking up 10 elements would take 10x as long as looking up 1, and that looking up 100 elements would take 10x longer again. In fact, the following example shows that it only takes about 9 times longer to look up 100 elements than it does to look up 1.

# list of 26 elments, each containing a random number of elements
lookup <- setNames(as.list(sample(100, 26)), letters)
#> str(lookup,1)

x1   <- "j"
# 10 random letters
x10  <- sample(letters, 10)
# 100 random letters
x100 <- sample(letters, 100, replace = TRUE)

# Picking up N elments
stats = microbenchmark(
  , unit='us'

## Unit: microseconds
##          expr   min    lq    mean median     uq   max neval cld
##    lookup[x1] 0.250 0.251 0.32607  0.251 0.2920 3.917   100 a  
##   lookup[x10] 0.875 0.917 1.03234  0.959 0.9590 8.459   100  b 
##  lookup[x100] 2.584 2.751 3.18525  2.876 3.1255 9.792   100   c

sum_stats = ddply(stats, .(expr), summarise, time=median(time, na.rm=T))

# Expectation
sum_stats$exp = c(1,10,100)*sum_stats$time[which(sum_stats$expr=='lookup[x1]')]


ggplot(sum_stats,aes(x=expr, y=time))+
  geom_point(aes(y=exp,size=expr), col='red')+
  geom_line(aes(y=exp,group=factor(1)), lty='dotted', col='red')+ 
  geom_text(aes(x ='lookup[x10]', y =10100), label="Expected",col='red'  )+
  geom_text(aes(x ='lookup[x10]', y =900), label="Observed")+
  scale_y_log10(limits = c(1e2,5*1e5),breaks=c(1e2,1e3,1e4,1e5),labels=c(1e2,1e3,1e4,1e5))+
## Warning: Using size for a discrete variable is not advised.

Vectorisation won’t solve every problem, and rather than torturing an existing algorithm into one that uses a vectorised approach, you’re often better off writing your own vectorised function in C++.

Avoid copies

A source of slow R code is growing an object with a loop.

Whenever you use c(), append(), cbind(), rbind(), or paste() to create a bigger object, R MUST:

  1. allocate space for the new object
  1. copy the old object to its new home.

If you’re repeating this many times, like in a for loop, this can be quite expensive.

Let’s generate some random strings, and then combine them either iteratively with a loop using collapse(), or in a single pass using paste().

Note that the performance of collapse() gets relatively worse as the number of strings grows: combining 100 strings takes almost 30 times longer than combining 10 strings.

random_string <- function() {
  paste(sample(letters, 50, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")

strings10 <- replicate(10, random_string())

strings100 <- replicate(100, random_string())

collapse <- function(xs) {
  out <- ""
  for (x in xs) {
    out <- paste0(out, x)

# Benchmark

stats = microbenchmark(

  # LOOP *****************
  loop10  = collapse(strings10),
  loop100 = collapse(strings100),

  # VECTORIZED *****************
  vec10   = paste(strings10, collapse = ""),
  vec100  = paste(strings100, collapse = "")
  , unit='us'

## Unit: microseconds
##     expr     min      lq      mean   median       uq      max neval cld
##   loop10  21.043  21.417  21.99106  21.5635  21.8340   38.375   100  a 
##  loop100 731.501 734.896 768.56598 736.3750 745.0635 3039.709   100   b
##    vec10   4.375   4.459   4.63770   4.5420   4.6670    7.292   100  a 
##   vec100  31.959  32.459  33.33986  32.8135  33.1675   43.876   100  a

sum_stats = ddply(stats, .(expr), summarise
                  , time=median(time, na.rm=T))
sum_stats$group = "loop"
sum_stats$group[grep("vec", sum_stats$expr)] = "vector"
sum_stats$expr = factor(gsub("\\D","",sum_stats$expr), levels = c("10","100"))


ggplot(sum_stats,aes(x=expr, y=time, group=group, col=group))+
  geom_point(size=2, fill='white', pch=21)+geom_line()+

Modifying an object in a loop, e.g., x[i] <- y, can also create a copy, depending on the class of x.

Byte code compilation

R 2.13.0 introduced a byte code compiler which can increase the speed of some code.

A byte code compiler translates a complex high-level language into a very simple language that can be interpreted by a very fast byte code interprete

The following example shows the pure R version of lapply() from functionals. Compiling it gives a considerable speedup, although it’s still not quite as fast as the C version provided by base R.

lapply2 <- function(x, f, ...) {
  out <- vector("list", length(x))
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    out[[i]] <- f(x[[i]], ...)

lapply2_c <- compiler::cmpfun(lapply2)

x <- list(1:10, letters, c(F, T), NULL)

stats = microbenchmark(
  lapply(x, is.null),
  lapply2(x, is.null),
  lapply2_c(x, is.null),

## Unit: microseconds
##                   expr   min    lq     mean median     uq      max neval cld
##     lapply(x, is.null) 1.542 1.667  1.95567  1.709 1.7295   24.209   100   a
##    lapply2(x, is.null) 1.584 1.668 29.13029  1.709 1.7930 2739.292   100   a
##  lapply2_c(x, is.null) 1.625 1.668  1.75392  1.709 1.7930    2.418   100   a

Byte code compilation really helps here, but in most cases you’re more likely to get a 5-10% improvement.

All base R functions are byte code compiled by default.

Case study: t-test

Imagine we have run 1000 experiments (rows), each of which collects data on 50 individuals (columns).

The first 25 individuals in each experiment are assigned to group 1 and the rest to group 2.

We’ll first generate some random data to represent this problem:

m <- 1000 # experiments
n <- 50 # individuals
X <- matrix(rnorm(m * n, mean = 10, sd = 3), nrow = m)
grp <- rep(1:2, each = n / 2)

##  num [1:1000, 1:50] 10.56 9.57 13.58 4.32 12.28 ...

For data in this form, there are two ways to use t.test(). We can either use the formula interface or provide two vectors, one for each group.

# for 1,000 exoeriments I run the t.test
system.time(for(i in 1:m) t.test(X[i, ] ~ grp)$stat)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.562   0.011   0.575
system.time(for(i in 1:m) t.test(X[i, grp == 1], X[i, grp == 2])$stat)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.133   0.001   0.133

Timing reveals that the

formula interface is considerably slower.

The for loop computes but doesn’t save the values. We’ll use apply() to do that. This adds a little overhead:

compT <- function(x, grp){
  t.test(x[grp == 1], x[grp == 2])$stat

system.time(t1 <- apply(X, 1, compT, grp = grp))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.139   0.002   0.141

How can we make this faster?
First, we could try doing less work.

If you look at the source code of stats:::t.test.default(), you’ll see that it does a lot more than just compute the t-statistic.

## {
##     alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
##     if (!missing(mu) && (length(mu) != 1 || 
##         stop("'mu' must be a single number")
##     if (!missing(conf.level) && (length(conf.level) != 1 || !is.finite(conf.level) || 
##         conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)) 
##         stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1")
##     if (!is.null(y)) {
##         dname <- paste(deparse1(substitute(x)), "and", deparse1(substitute(y)))
##         if (paired) 
##             xok <- yok <- complete.cases(x, y)
##         else {
##             yok <- !
##             xok <- !
##         }
##         y <- y[yok]
##     }
##     else {
##         dname <- deparse1(substitute(x))
##         if (paired) 
##             stop("'y' is missing for paired test")
##         xok <- !
##         yok <- NULL
##     }
##     x <- x[xok]
##     if (paired) {
##         x <- x - y
##         y <- NULL
##     }
##     nx <- length(x)
##     mx <- mean(x)
##     vx <- var(x)
##     if (is.null(y)) {
##         if (nx < 2) 
##             stop("not enough 'x' observations")
##         df <- nx - 1
##         stderr <- sqrt(vx/nx)
##         if (stderr < 10 * .Machine$double.eps * abs(mx)) 
##             stop("data are essentially constant")
##         tstat <- (mx - mu)/stderr
##         method <- if (paired) 
##             "Paired t-test"
##         else "One Sample t-test"
##         estimate <- setNames(mx, if (paired) 
##             "mean of the differences"
##         else "mean of x")
##     }
##     else {
##         ny <- length(y)
##         if (nx < 1 || (!var.equal && nx < 2)) 
##             stop("not enough 'x' observations")
##         if (ny < 1 || (!var.equal && ny < 2)) 
##             stop("not enough 'y' observations")
##         if (var.equal && nx + ny < 3) 
##             stop("not enough observations")
##         my <- mean(y)
##         vy <- var(y)
##         method <- paste(if (!var.equal) 
##             "Welch", "Two Sample t-test")
##         estimate <- c(mx, my)
##         names(estimate) <- c("mean of x", "mean of y")
##         if (var.equal) {
##             df <- nx + ny - 2
##             v <- 0
##             if (nx > 1) 
##                 v <- v + (nx - 1) * vx
##             if (ny > 1) 
##                 v <- v + (ny - 1) * vy
##             v <- v/df
##             stderr <- sqrt(v * (1/nx + 1/ny))
##         }
##         else {
##             stderrx <- sqrt(vx/nx)
##             stderry <- sqrt(vy/ny)
##             stderr <- sqrt(stderrx^2 + stderry^2)
##             df <- stderr^4/(stderrx^4/(nx - 1) + stderry^4/(ny - 
##                 1))
##         }
##         if (stderr < 10 * .Machine$double.eps * max(abs(mx), 
##             abs(my))) 
##             stop("data are essentially constant")
##         tstat <- (mx - my - mu)/stderr
##     }
##     if (alternative == "less") {
##         pval <- pt(tstat, df)
##         cint <- c(-Inf, tstat + qt(conf.level, df))
##     }
##     else if (alternative == "greater") {
##         pval <- pt(tstat, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
##         cint <- c(tstat - qt(conf.level, df), Inf)
##     }
##     else {
##         pval <- 2 * pt(-abs(tstat), df)
##         alpha <- 1 - conf.level
##         cint <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
##         cint <- tstat + c(-cint, cint)
##     }
##     cint <- mu + cint * stderr
##     names(tstat) <- "t"
##     names(df) <- "df"
##     names(mu) <- if (paired || !is.null(y)) 
##         "difference in means"
##     else "mean"
##     attr(cint, "conf.level") <- conf.level
##     rval <- list(statistic = tstat, parameter = df, p.value = pval, 
## = cint, estimate = estimate, null.value = mu, 
##         stderr = stderr, alternative = alternative, method = method, 
## = dname)
##     class(rval) <- "htest"
##     rval
## }

It also computes the p-value and formats the output for printing.

  1. We can try to make our code faster by stripping out those pieces.
## my onw function
my_t <- function(x, grp) {
  t_stat <- function(x) {
    m <- mean(x)
    n <- length(x)
    var <- sum( (x - m) ^ 2) / (n - 1)
    list(m = m, n = n, var = var)

  g1 <- t_stat(x[grp == 1])
  g2 <- t_stat(x[grp == 2])
  se_total <- sqrt(g1$var / g1$n + g2$var / g2$n)
  (g1$m - g2$m) / se_total

system.time(t2 <- apply(X, 1, my_t, grp = grp))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.034   0.000   0.035
stopifnot(all.equal(t1, t2))

This gives us about a 6x speed improvement.

  1. Now that we have a fairly simple function, we can make it faster still by vectorising it.
rowtstat <- function(X, grp){

    t_stat <- function(X) {
    m <- rowMeans(X)
    n <- ncol(X)
    var <- rowSums((X - m) ^ 2) / (n - 1)
    list(m = m, n = n, var = var)

  g1 <- t_stat(X[, grp == 1])
  g2 <- t_stat(X[, grp == 2])

  se_total <- sqrt(g1$var / g1$n + g2$var / g2$n)
  (g1$m - g2$m) / se_total

system.time(t3 <- rowtstat(X, grp))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.016   0.000   0.017
stopifnot(all.equal(t1, t3))

That’s much faster! It’s at least 40x faster than our previous effort, and around 1000x faster than where we started.

stats = microbenchmark(
   apply(X, 1, my_t, grp = grp)
  ,my_t(X, grp)
  ,rowtstat(X, grp)
  ,unit = "ms"

## Unit: milliseconds
##                          expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq
##  apply(X, 1, my_t, grp = grp) 25.563667 25.951625 26.982882 26.332771 27.118334
##                  my_t(X, grp) 12.573751 12.656522 12.938545 12.767625 13.047105
##              rowtstat(X, grp)  7.680167  7.742084  8.062775  7.871147  7.986605
##       max neval cld
##  33.26671   100   c
##  16.90083   100  b 
##  13.05454   100 a
sum_stats = ddply(stats, .(expr), summarise, time=median(time, na.rm=T))
sum_stats$expr = factor(c("T","T_own","Vectorized"), levels = c("T","T_own","Vectorized"))
sum_stats$FC = with(sum_stats, c(1, time[1]/time[2], time[2]/time[3] )) 

ggplot(sum_stats,aes(x=expr, y=time))+
  geom_point(aes(fill=expr, size=FC), pch=21,  alpha=0.5)+
  scale_y_log10(limits = c(1e5,1e8),breaks=c(1e5,1e6,1e7,1e8),labels=c(1e5,1e6,1e7,1e8))+


Parallelisation uses multiple cores to work simultaneously on different parts of a problem.

It doesn’t reduce the computing time, but it saves your time because you’re using more of your computer’s resources.

An example of this is lapply() because it operates on each element independently of the others.


cores <- detectCores()
## [1] 8
pause <- function(i) {
  function(x) Sys.sleep(i)

system.time(lapply(1:10, pause(0.25)))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.001   0.001   2.540
system.time(mclapply(1:10, pause(0.25), mc.cores = cores))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.014   0.053   0.525

Life is a bit harder in Windows. You need to first set up a local cluster and then use parLapply():


x = list(..of..objects...)

# Initialization
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=nc, type="SOCK")

#export Functions and data needed by all processes
functionsToCluster <- as.character(lsf.str(envir = .GlobalEnv))
dataToCluster      <- ls()
sfExport(list = c(functionsToCluster, dataToCluster))

#export library needed by all processes

#set Uniform Random Number Generation

# run computations
l <- sfLapply(samples, function(x){ .... })

# shut down clusters

There is some communication overhead with parallel computing. If the subproblems are very small, then parallelisation might hurt rather than help. It’s also possible to distribute computation over a network of computers (not just the cores on your local computer) and you can find more information is the high performance computing CRAN task view (

A work by Matteo Cereda and Fabio Iannelli