
Circular layout is very useful to represent complicated information.

  1. it represents information with long axes or a large amount of categories;

  2. it intuitively shows data with multiple tracks focusing on the same object;

  3. it easily demonstrates relations between elements.

Gu, Z. (2014) circlize implements and enhances circular visualization in R. Bioinformatics. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu393


A circular layout is composed of sectors and tracks.

The rule for making the circular plot is rather simple. It follows the sequence of initialize layout -> create track -> add graphics -> create track -> add graphics - … -> clear. Graphics can be added at any time as long as the tracks are created. Details are shown in Figure and as follows:

For data in different categories, they are allocated into different sectors and for multiple measurements of the same category, they are represented as stacked tracks from outside of the circle to the inside.

The intersection of a sector and a track is called a cell (or a grid, a panel), which is the basic unit in a circular layout. It is an imaginary plotting region for data points in a certain category.

circlize implements low-level graphic functions for adding graphics in the circular plotting regions, so that more complicated graphics can be easily generated by different combinations of low-level graphic functions.

Function Action
circos.points() adds points in a cell.
circos.lines() adds lines in a cell.
circos.segments() adds segments in a cell.
circos.rect() adds rectangles in a cell.
circos.polygon() adds polygons in a cell.
circos.text() adds text in a cell.
circos.axis(), circos.yaxis() add axis in a cell.

Following functions arrange the circular layout.

Function Action
circos.initialize() allocates sectors on the circle.
circos.track() creates plotting regions for cells in one single track.
circos.update() updates an existed cell.
circos.par() graphic parameters.
circos.info() prints general parameters of current circular plot.
circos.clear() resets graphic parameters and internal variables.

A quick glance

Let’s generate some random data. There needs a character vector to represent categories, a numeric vector of x values and a vectoe of y values.


n = 1000

df = data.frame(
    factors = sample(letters[1:8], n, replace = TRUE)
  , x = rnorm(n)
  , y = runif(n)

## 'data.frame':    1000 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ factors: chr  "g" "g" "c" "f" ...
##  $ x      : num  -0.602 -0.994 1.027 0.751 -1.509 ...
##  $ y      : num  0.206 0.943 0.379 0.626 0.184 ...


First we initialize the circular layout.

The circle is split into sectors based on the data range on x-axes in each category.

df$x is split by df$factors and the width of sectors are automatically calculated based on data ranges in each category.


circos.par("track.height" = 0.1)
circos.par("points.overflow.warning" = FALSE)

circos.initialize(factors = df$factors, x = df$x)

2.Adding tracks

After initialization, graphics can be added to the plot in a track-by-track manner.

All tracks should be first created by circos.trackPlotRegion() or, for short, circos.track(), then the low-level functions can be added afterwards.

Just think in the base R graphic engine, you need first call plot() then you can use functions such as points() and lines() to add graphics. Here we only need to specify the y ranges for each cell.

      factors = df$factors
    , y = df$y,
      panel.fun = function(x, y) {
                    CELL_META$cell.ylim[2] + uy(5, "mm"), 
        # Adding Axes
        circos.axis(labels.cex = 0.6)

col = rep(c("#FF0000", "#00FF00"), 4)

# Adding points
circos.trackPoints(df$factors, df$x, df$y, col = col, pch = 16, cex = 0.5)

# add sector name outside
circos.text(-1, 0.5, "text", sector.index = "a", track.index = 1)
## ========================================
## circlize version 0.4.15
## CRAN page: https://cran.r-project.org/package=circlize
## Github page: https://github.com/jokergoo/circlize
## Documentation: https://jokergoo.github.io/circlize_book/book/
## If you use it in published research, please cite:
## Gu, Z. circlize implements and enhances circular visualization
##   in R. Bioinformatics 2014.
## This message can be suppressed by:
##   suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(circlize))
## ========================================
First example of circlize, add the first track.

First example of circlize, add the first track.

  • circos.track() creates plotting region in a cell-by-cell manner.

Thus, panel.fun actually means adding graphics in the “current cell”

  • circos.axis() draws x-axes on the top of each cell (or the outside of each cell).

-circos.text() add sector name outside the first track.

CELL_META provides “meta information” for the current cell. There are several parameters which can be retrieved by CELL_META.

When specifying the position of text on the y direction, an offset of uy(5,"mm") is added to the y position of the text.

  • In circos.text(), x and y values are measured in the data coordinate (the coordinate in cell), and uy() function (or ux() which is measured on x direction) converts absolute units to corresponding values in data coordinate.

  • circos.trackPoints() simply adds points in all cells simultaneously.


  • circos.trackHist() is a high-level function which means it creates a new track.
  • bin.size is explicitly set so that the bin size for histograms .
bgcol = rep(c("#EFEFEF", "#CCCCCC"), 4)
circos.trackHist(df$factors, df$x, bin.size = 0.2, bg.col = bgcol, col = NA)
First example of circlize, add the second track.

First example of circlize, add the second track.


In the third track and in panel.fun, we randomly picked 10 data points in each cell, sort them and connect them with lines.

In following code, when factors, x and y arguments are set in circos.track(), x and y values are split by df$factors and corresponding subset of x and y values are sent to panel.fun through panel.fun’s x and y arguments. Thus, x and y in panel.fun are exactly the values in the “current” cell.

circos.track(factors = df$factors, x = df$x, y = df$y,
    panel.fun = function(x, y) {
        ind = sample(length(x), 10)
        x2 = x[ind]
        y2 = y[ind]
        od = order(x2)
        circos.lines(x2[od], y2[od])

First example of circlize, add the third track.

First example of circlize, add the third track.

5.Updating sectors

Now we go back to the second track and update the cell in sector “d”.

-circos.update() erases graphics which have been added. circos.update() can not modify the xlim and ylim of the cell as well as other settings related to the position of the cell. circos.update() needs to explicitly specify the sector index and track index unless the “current” cell is what you want to update. After the calling of circos.update(), the “current” cell is redirected to the cell you just specified and you can use low-level graphic functions to add graphics directly into it.

circos.update(sector.index = "d"
              , track.index = 2
              , bg.col = "#FF8080"
              , bg.border = "black")

circos.points(x = -2:2, y = rep(0.5, 5), col = "white")

circos.text(CELL_META$xcenter, CELL_META$ycenter, "UPDATED", col = "white")
First example of circlize, update the second track.

First example of circlize, update the second track.

6.Create a new track

Although we have gone back to the second track, when creating a new track, the new track is still created after the track which is most inside.

circos.track(ylim = c(0, 1), panel.fun = function(x, y) {
    xlim = CELL_META$xlim
    ylim = CELL_META$ylim
    breaks = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], by = 0.1)
    n_breaks = length(breaks)
    circos.rect(breaks[-n_breaks], rep(ylim[1], n_breaks - 1),
                breaks[-1], rep(ylim[2], n_breaks - 1),
                col = rand_color(n_breaks), border = NA)
First example of circlize, add the fourth track.

First example of circlize, add the fourth track.


Finally we need to reset the graphic parameters and internal variables, so that it will not mess up your next plot.


Genomic Data

circlize package particularly provides functions which focus on genomic plots. These functions are synonymous to the basic graphic functions but expect special format of input data:

Function Action
circos.genomicTrack() create a new track and add graphics.
circos.genomicPoints() low-level function, add points.
circos.genomicLines() low-level function, add lines or segments.
circos.genomicRect() low-level function, add rectangles.
circos.genomicText() low-level function, add text.
circos.genomicLink() add links.

Input data

Genomic data is usually stored as BED format.

circlize provides a simple function generateRandomBed() which generates random genomic data.

In the function, nr and nc control the number of rows and numeric columns that users need. Please note nr are not exactly the same as the number of rows which are returned by the function. fun argument is a self-defined function to generate random values.

bed = generateRandomBed(nr = 200, nc = 4)
##    chr    start      end     value1      value2      value3      value4
## 1 chr1  2660551 16303823  0.5402657 -0.01736319 -0.57347883  0.49264928
## 2 chr1 22482472 25730719 -0.1234061 -0.05833207 -0.70408976 -0.61428666
## 3 chr1 26350059 37256898 -1.0568685 -0.32249104 -0.14116436  0.04261233
## 4 chr1 39575364 51959170 -0.1852637  0.87220580 -0.20888501 -0.60204692
## 5 chr1 58315212 60462404  0.2614339  0.18304724  0.49833176 -0.18842388
## 6 chr1 67739286 78935415  0.2589028 -0.03340496 -0.05314289  0.68182429

Initialize with cytoband data

Cytoband data is an ideal data source to initialize genomic plots. It contains length of chromosomes as well as so called “chromosome band” annotation to help to identify positions on chromosomes.

If you work on human genome, the most straightforward way is to directly use circos.initializeWithIdeogram() .

text(0, 0, "default", cex = 1)
Initialize genomic plot, default.

Initialize genomic plot, default.

## All your sectors:
##  [1] "chr1"  "chr2"  "chr3"  "chr4"  "chr5"  "chr6"  "chr7"  "chr8"  "chr9" 
## [10] "chr10" "chr11" "chr12" "chr13" "chr14" "chr15" "chr16" "chr17" "chr18"
## [19] "chr19" "chr20" "chr21" "chr22" "chrX"  "chrY" 
## All your tracks:
## [1] 1 2
## Your current sector.index is chrY
## Your current track.index is 2

By default, circos.initializeWithIdeogram() initializes the plot with cytoband data of human genome hg19. Users can also initialize with other species by specifying species argument and it will automatically download cytoband files for corresponding species.

circos.initializeWithIdeogram(species = "hg19")
circos.initializeWithIdeogram(species = "mm10")

When you are dealing rare species and there is no cytoband data available yet, circos.initializeWithIdeogram() will try to continue to download the “chromInfo” file form UCSC, which also contains lengths of chromosomes, but of course, there is no ideogram track on the plot.

In some cases, when there is no internet connection for downloading or there is no corresponding data avaiable on UCSC yet. You can manually construct a data frame which contains ranges of chromosomes or a file path if it is stored in a file, and sent to circos.initializeWithIdeogram().

cytoband.file = system.file(package = "circlize", "extdata", "cytoBand.txt")

cytoband.df = read.table(cytoband.file, colClasses = c("character", "numeric",
    "numeric", "character", "character"), sep = "\t")


If you read cytoband data directly from file, please explicitly specify colClasses arguments and set the class of position columns as numeric. The reason is since positions are represented as integers, read.table would treat those numbers as integer by default. In initialization of circular plot, circlize needs to calculate the summation of all chromosome lengths. The summation of such large integers would throw error of integer overflow.

By default, circos.intializeWithIdeogram() uses all chromosomes which are available in cytoband data to initialize the circular plot. Users can choose a subset of chromosomes by specifying chromosome.index. This argument is also for ordering chromosomes (Figure @ref(fig:genomic-initialize-ideogram-subset)).

circos.initializeWithIdeogram(chromosome.index = paste0("chr", c(3,5,2,8)))
text(0, 0, "subset of chromosomes", cex = 1)
Initialize genomic plot, subset chromosomes.

Initialize genomic plot, subset chromosomes.


When there is no cytoband data for the specified species, and when chromInfo data is used instead, there may be many many extra short contigs. chromosome.index can also be useful to remove unnecessary contigs.

Pre-defined tracks

After the initialization of the circular plot, circos.initializeWithIdeogram() additionally creates a track where there are genomic axes and chromosome names, and create another track where there is an ideogram (depends on whether cytoband data is available). plotType argument is used to control which type of tracks to add.

circos.initializeWithIdeogram(plotType = c("axis", "labels"))
text(0, 0, "plotType = c('axis', 'labels')", cex = 1)

circos.initializeWithIdeogram(plotType = NULL)
text(0, 0, "plotType = NULL", cex = 1)
Initialize genomic plot, control tracks.

Initialize genomic plot, control tracks.


Other general settings

Similar as general circular plot, the parameters for the layout can be controlled by circos.par(). Do remember when you explicitly set circos.par(), you need to call circos.clear() to finish the plotting.

circos.par("start.degree" = 90)
text(0, 0, "'start.degree' = 90", cex = 1)

circos.par("gap.degree" = rep(c(2, 4), 12))
text(0, 0, "'gap.degree' = rep(c(2, 4), 12)", cex = 1)
Initialize genomic plot, control layout.

Initialize genomic plot, control layout.

Customize chromosome track

By default circos.initializeWithIdeogram() initializes the layout and adds two tracks. When plotType argument is set to NULL, the circular layout is only initialized but nothing is added. This makes it possible for users to completely design their own style of chromosome track.

In the following example, we use different colors to represent chromosomes and put chromosome names in the center of each cell.

circos.initializeWithIdeogram(plotType = NULL)
circos.track(ylim = c(0, 1), panel.fun = function(x, y) {
    chr = CELL_META$sector.index
    xlim = CELL_META$xlim
    ylim = CELL_META$ylim
    circos.rect(xlim[1], 0, xlim[2], 1, col = rand_color(1))
    circos.text(mean(xlim), mean(ylim), chr, cex = 0.7, col = "white",
        facing = "inside", niceFacing = TRUE)
}, track.height = 0.15, bg.border = NA)
Customize chromosome track.

Customize chromosome track.


Initialize with general genomic category

Chromosome is just a special case of genomic category. circos.genomicInitialize() can initialize circular layout with any type of genomic categories. In fact, circos.initializeWithIdeogram() is implemented by circos.genomicInitialize(). The input data for circos.genomicInitialize() is also a data frame with at least three columns. The first column is genomic category (for cytoband data, it is chromosome name), and the next two columns are positions in each genomic category. The range in each category will be inferred as the minimum position and the maximum position in corresponding category.

In the following example, a circular plot is initialized with three genes.

df = data.frame(
    name  = c("TP53",  "TP63",    "TP73"),
    start = c(7565097, 189349205, 3569084),
    end   = c(7590856, 189615068, 3652765))

Note it is not necessary that the record for each gene is only one row.

In following example, we plot the transcripts for TP53, TP63 and TP73 in a circular layout.

tp_family = readRDS(system.file(package = "circlize", "extdata", "tp_family_df.rds"))
##   gene   start     end        transcript exon
## 1 TP53 7565097 7565332 ENST00000413465.2    7
## 2 TP53 7577499 7577608 ENST00000413465.2    6
## 3 TP53 7578177 7578289 ENST00000413465.2    5
## 4 TP53 7578371 7578554 ENST00000413465.2    4
## 5 TP53 7579312 7579590 ENST00000413465.2    3
## 6 TP53 7579700 7579721 ENST00000413465.2    2

In the following code, we first create a track which identifies three genes.

circos.track(ylim = c(0, 1), 
    bg.col = c("#FF000040", "#00FF0040", "#0000FF40"), 
    bg.border = NA, track.height = 0.05)

Next, we put transcripts one after the other for each gene. It is simply to add lines and rectangles.

n = max(tapply(tp_family$transcript, tp_family$gene, function(x) length(unique(x))))

                    , ylim = c(0.5, n + 0.5)
                    , panel.fun = function(region, value, ...) {
                        all_tx = unique(value$transcript)
                        for(i in seq_along(all_tx)) {
                            l = value$transcript == all_tx[i]
                            # for each transcript
                            current_tx_start = min(region[l, 1])
                            current_tx_end = max(region[l, 2])
                            circos.lines(c(current_tx_start, current_tx_end), 
                                c(n - i + 1, n - i + 1), col = "#CCCCCC")
                            circos.genomicRect(region[l, , drop = FALSE], ytop = n - i + 1 + 0.4, 
                                ybottom = n - i + 1 - 0.4, col = "orange", border = NA)
                    , bg.border = NA, track.height = 0.4)
Circular representation of alternative transcripts for genes.

Circular representation of alternative transcripts for genes.

Zooming chromosomes

We first define a function extend_chromosomes() which copy data in subset of chromosomes into the original data frame.

extend_chromosomes = function(bed, chromosome, prefix = "zoom_") {
    zoom_bed = bed[bed[[1]] %in% chromosome, , drop = FALSE]
    zoom_bed[[1]] = paste0(prefix, zoom_bed[[1]])
    rbind(bed, zoom_bed)

We use read.cytoband() to download and read cytoband data from UCSC. In following, x ranges for normal chromosomes and zoomed chromosomes are normalized separetely.

cytoband = read.cytoband()
cytoband_df = cytoband$df
chromosome = cytoband$chromosome

xrange = c(cytoband$chr.len, cytoband$chr.len[c("chr1", "chr2")])
normal_chr_index = 1:24
zoomed_chr_index = 25:26

# normalize in normal chromsomes and zoomed chromosomes separately
sector.width = c(xrange[normal_chr_index] / sum(xrange[normal_chr_index]), 
                 xrange[zoomed_chr_index] / sum(xrange[zoomed_chr_index])) 

The extended cytoband data which is in form of a data frame is sent to circos.initializeWithIdeogram(). You can see the ideograms for chromosome 1 and 2 are zoomed (Figure @ref(fig:genomic-zoom)).

circos.par(start.degree = 90)
circos.initializeWithIdeogram(extend_chromosomes(cytoband_df, c("chr1", "chr2")), 
    sector.width = sector.width)

Add a new track.

bed = generateRandomBed(500)
circos.genomicTrack(extend_chromosomes(bed, c("chr1", "chr2")),
    panel.fun = function(region, value, ...) {
        circos.genomicPoints(region, value, pch = 16, cex = 0.3)

Add a link from original chromosome to the zoomed chromosome (Figure @ref(fig:genomic-zoom)).

circos.link("chr1", get.cell.meta.data("cell.xlim", sector.index = "chr1"),
    "zoom_chr1", get.cell.meta.data("cell.xlim", sector.index = "zoom_chr1"),
    col = "#00000020", border = NA)
Zoom chromosomes.

Zoom chromosomes.

A real world example:

I have a data frame with common features between 4 groups of patients and cell types. I have a lot of different features, but the shared ones (present in more than 1 group) are just a few.

I want to make a circos plot that reflects the few connections between shared features across groups of patients and cell types, while giving an idea of how many unshared features there are in each group.

The way I think of it, it should be a plot with 4 sectors (one for each group of patient and cell type) with a few connections between them. Each sector size should reflect the total number of features in the group, and most of this area should not be connected to other groups, but empty.

# Prepare the data  --------------------------------------------------------------

nonshared <- data.frame(patient=c(rep("Patient1",20), rep("Patient2",10)), cell.type=c(rep("CellType1",12), rep("CellType2",8),rep("CellType1",6), rep("CellType2",4)), feature=paste("a",1:30,sep=''))
sharedcells <- data.frame(patient=c(rep("Patient1",3), rep("Patient2",4)), cell.types=c(rep("CellType1||CellType2",3),rep("CellType1||CellType2",4)), features=c("b1||b1","b1||b1","b1||b1","b2||b2","b3||b3","b4||b4","b4||b5"))
sharedpats <- data.frame(patients=c(rep("Patient1||Patient2",2), rep("Patient1||Patient2",6)), cell.type=c(rep("CellType1",2),rep("CellType2",6)), features=c("c1||c1","c2||c1","c3||c3","c3||c4","c3||c5","c6||c5","c7||c7","c8||c8"))
sharedall1 <- data.frame(both=c(rep("Patient1-CellType1||Patient1-CellType2||Patient2-CellType1||Patient2-CellType2",4)), features=c("d1||d1||d1||d1","d2||d2||d2||d3","d4||d4||d3||d3","d5||d5||d5||d5"))
sharedall2 <- data.frame(both=c(rep("Patient1-CellType1||Patient1-CellType2||Patient2-CellType1",2)), features=c("d6||d6||d6","d7||d7||d7"))
sharedall3 <- data.frame(both="Patient1-CellType1||Patient1-CellType2||Patient2-CellType2", features="d8||d8||d9")
sharedall4 <- data.frame(both="Patient1-CellType1||Patient2-CellType1||Patient2-CellType2", features="d10||d10||d9")
sharedall5 <- data.frame(both=c(rep("Patient1-CellType2||Patient2-CellType1||Patient2-CellType2",3)), features=c("d11||d11||d11","d12||d13||d13","d12||d14||d14"))
sharedall6 <- data.frame()
sharedall7 <- data.frame(both=c(rep("Patient1-CellType2||Patient2-CellType1",2)), features=c("d15||d16","d17||d17"))
sharedall <- rbind(sharedall1, sharedall2, sharedall3, sharedall4, sharedall5, sharedall6, sharedall7)

  caption = "Patient, cell type and feature"
Patient, cell type and feature
patient cell.type feature
Patient1 CellType1 a1
Patient1 CellType1 a2
Patient1 CellType1 a3
Patient1 CellType1 a4
Patient1 CellType1 a5
Patient1 CellType1 a6
Patient1 CellType1 a7
Patient1 CellType1 a8
Patient1 CellType1 a9
Patient1 CellType1 a10
Patient1 CellType1 a11
Patient1 CellType1 a12
Patient1 CellType2 a13
Patient1 CellType2 a14
Patient1 CellType2 a15
Patient1 CellType2 a16
Patient1 CellType2 a17
Patient1 CellType2 a18
Patient1 CellType2 a19
Patient1 CellType2 a20
Patient2 CellType1 a21
Patient2 CellType1 a22
Patient2 CellType1 a23
Patient2 CellType1 a24
Patient2 CellType1 a25
Patient2 CellType1 a26
Patient2 CellType2 a27
Patient2 CellType2 a28
Patient2 CellType2 a29
Patient2 CellType2 a30


# library(circlize)

# Split and pad with 0 ----------------------------------------------------
fun <- function(x) unlist(tstrsplit(x, split = '||', fixed = TRUE))

nonshared %>% setDT()
sharedcells %>% setDT()
sharedpats %>% setDT()
sharedall %>% setDT()

nonshared <- nonshared[, .(group = paste(patient, cell.type, sep = '-'), feature)][, feature := paste0('a', str_pad(str_extract(feature, '[0-9]+'), 2, 'left', '0'))]
sharedcells <- sharedcells[, lapply(.SD, fun), by = 1:nrow(sharedcells)][, .(group = paste(patient, cell.types, sep = '-'), feature = features)][, feature := paste0('b', str_pad(str_extract(feature, '[0-9]+'), 2, 'left', '0'))]
sharedpats <- sharedpats[, lapply(.SD, fun), by = 1:nrow(sharedpats)][, .(group = paste(patients, cell.type, sep = '-'), feature = features)][, feature := paste0('c', str_pad(str_extract(feature, '[0-9]+'), 2, 'left', '0'))]
sharedall <- sharedall[, lapply(.SD, fun), by = 1:nrow(sharedall)][, .(group = both, feature = features)][, feature := paste0('d', str_pad(str_extract(feature, '[0-9]+'), 2, 'left', '0'))]

dt_split <- rbindlist(

# Set key and self join to find shared features ---------------------------
setkey(dt_split, feature)
dt_join <- dt_split[dt_split, .(group, i.group, feature), allow.cartesian = TRUE] %>%
  .[group != i.group, ]

# Create a "sorted key" ---------------------------------------------------
# key := paste(sort(.SD)...
# To leave only unique combinations of groups and features
dt_join <-
          key := paste(sort(.SD), collapse = '|'),
          by = 1:nrow(dt_join),
          .SDcols = c('group', 'i.group')
          ] %>%
  setorder(feature, key) %>%
  unique(by = c('key', 'feature')) %>%
  .[, .(
    group_from = i.group,
    group_to = group,
    feature = feature)]

# Rename and key ----------------------------------------------------------

dt_split %>% setnames(old = 'group', new = 'group_from') %>% setkey(group_from, feature)
dt_join %>% setkey(group_from, feature)

# Individual features -----------------------------------------------------

# Features without connections --------------------------------------------

dt_singles <- dt_split[, .(group_from, group_to = group_from, feature)] %>%
  .[, N := .N, by = feature] %>%
  .[!(N > 1 & group_from == group_to), !c('N')]

# Bind all, add some columns etc. -----------------------------------------

dt_bind <- rbind(dt_singles, dt_join) %>% setorder(group_from, feature, group_to)

dt_bind[, ':='(
  group_from_f = paste(group_from, feature, sep = '.'),
  group_to_f = paste(group_to, feature, sep = '.'))]
dt_bind[, feature := NULL]  # feature can be removed

# Colour
dt_bind[, colour := ifelse(group_from_f == group_to_f, "#FFFFFF00", '#00000050')]  # Change first to #FF0000FF to show red blobs

# Prep. sectors -----------------------------------------------------------

sectors_f <- union(dt_bind[, group_from_f], dt_bind[, group_to_f]) %>% sort()

colour_lookup <-
  union(dt_bind[, group_from], dt_bind[, group_to]) %>% sort() %>%
  structure(seq_along(.) + 1, names = .)
sector_colours <- str_replace_all(sectors_f, '.[a-d][0-9]+', '') %>%

# Gaps between sectors ----------------------------------------------------

gap_sizes <- c(0.0, 1.0)
gap_degree <-
  sapply(table(names(sector_colours)), function(i) c(rep(gap_sizes[1], i-1), gap_sizes[2])) %>%
  unlist() %>% unname()
# gap_degree <- rep(0, length(sectors_f))  # Or no gap


# Each "sector" is a separate patient/cell/feature combination

circos.par(gap.degree = gap_degree)
circos.initialize(sectors_f, xlim = c(0, 1))
circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim = c(0, 1), track.height = 0.05, bg.col = sector_colours, bg.border = NA)

for(i in 1:nrow(dt_bind)) {
  row_i <- dt_bind[i, ]
    row_i[['group_from_f']], c(0, 1),
    row_i[['group_to_f']], c(0, 1),
    border = NA, col = row_i[['colour']]

# "Feature" labels
circos.trackPlotRegion(track.index = 2, ylim = c(0, 1), panel.fun = function(x, y) {
  sector.index = get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")
  circos.text(0.5, 0.25, sector.index, col = "white", cex = 0.6, facing = "clockwise", niceFacing = TRUE)
}, bg.border = NA)

# "Patient/cell" labels
for(s in names(colour_lookup)) {
  sectors <- sectors_f %>% { .[str_detect(., s)] }
    sector.index = sectors, track.index = 1, col = colour_lookup[s],
    text = s, text.vjust = -1, niceFacing = TRUE)


# counts of unique and shared features ------------------------------------

xlims <- dt_split[, .N, by = group_from][, .(x_from = 0, x_to = N)] %>% as.matrix()
links <- dt_join[, .N, by = .(group_from, group_to)]
colours <- dt_split[, unique(group_from)] %>% structure(seq_along(.) + 1, names = .)


sectors = names(colours)
circos.par(cell.padding = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
circos.initialize(sectors, xlim = xlims)
circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim = c(0, 1), track.height = 0.05, bg.col = colours, bg.border = NA)

for(i in 1:nrow(links)) {
  link <- links[i, ]
  circos.link(link[[1]], c(0, link[[3]]), link[[2]], c(0, link[[3]]), col = '#00000025', border = NA)

# "Patient/cell" labels
for(s in sectors) {
    sector.index = s, track.index = 1, col = colours[s], 
    text = s, text.vjust = -1, niceFacing = TRUE)


A work by Matteo Cereda and Fabio Iannelli