
In this section, we’ll start with some basic concepts of web development and then introduce Shiny by explaining the advantages of Shiny and how it works. At least we’ll give a list of useful resources in learning Shiny.

Things to remember for a webpage development

Here are some concepts that usually used in web development.

Static web page

A static web page (sometimes called a flat page/stationary page) is a web page that is delivered to the user exactly as stored.

Static web page: is delivered to the user exactly as stored.

Dynamic web page

A server-side dynamic web page is a web page whose construction is controlled by an application server processing server-side scripts.

Dynamic web page: example of server-side scripting (PHP and MySQL).

Web application

A Web application (Web app) is an application program that is stored on a remote server and delivered over the Internet through a browser interface.

Web (application) framework

A Web framework is a collection of packages or modules which allow developers to write Web applications or services without having to handle such low-level details as protocols, sockets or process/thread management.

Front-end web development

Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or web application so that a user can see and interact with them directly.

Back-end web development

Back-end web development,also known as server-side development, creates the logical back-end and core computational logic of a website. It is everything that the users do not see and contains behind-the-scenes activities that occur when performing any action on a website

When the back-end meets the front-end

Taken from 'Do the evolution' videoclip by Pearl Jam

Taken from ‘Do the evolution’ videoclip by Pearl Jam

“Do The Evolution (1998) is about someone who’s drunk with technology (Eddie Wedder)”

Take the time to watch the video, Do The Evolution so contemporary


Shiny is a web application framework for R that can help turn your analyses into interactive web applications.

No HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge required

Why Shiny?

  • Easy to learn, easy to use.
  • The development time is minimized.
  • Excellent for data visualization.
  • (Fun & Cool).

A Shiny app usually contains two parts:

  1. UI: controls the outlook of the web page

  1. Server: (a live R session) controls the logic

How does Shiny app work?

The “Server” keeps monitoring the UI.

Whenever there is a change in the UI, the “Server” will follow some instructions (run some R code) accordingly and update the UI’s display.

This is the basic idea of reactive expression


#run this example in interactive R sessions
runExample("01_hello") # a histogram

In the example above, the “Server” keeps monitoring the “slider” in the page, and whenever there is a change with it, the “Server” will re-execute a block of R code to regenerate the histogram.

List of examples



  1. Shiny portal site:

  2. Shiny examples (over 100 examples):

    This is a collection of Shiny examples. You can see them in action on where example-name is the directory name of an example here, e.g.

  3. Ask questions in the shiny google group:!forum/shiny-discuss

  4. Articles from R blogger:

  5. 2016 Shiny Developer Conference Videos

The Fluid Page

A fluid layout is a type of webpage design in which layout of the page resizes as the window size is changed.

This is accomplished by defining areas of the page using percentages instead of fixed pixel widths.


In Shiny, you express your server logic using reactive programming.

Reactive programming is an powerful programming paradigm, but it can be disorienting at first because it is a very different paradigm to writing a script.

The key idea of reactive programming is to specify a graph of dependencies so that when an input changes, all related outputs are automatically updated.

This makes the flow of an app considerably simpler, but it takes a while to get your head around how it all fits together.

Structure of a Shiny App

The Two files

A simple shiny app is a directory containing two R scripts,

  1. one is ui.R, which controls the layout and appearance of your app

  2. the other is server.R, which contains the instructions that your computer needs to build your app.

Note that the names for the scripts are fixed, you should NOT use other names.

App template

Let’s create a new directory named 01-hello (or whatever you like) and then create two empty ui.R and server.R files within it.

Open ui.R with any editor you want and put the following code in it:

# UI

Then copy the following code to server.R. Note that the server.R contains one single unnamed function.

function(input, output) {

Running the App

To run the app, open an R session and load the shiny package, then run the runApp function by

  1. giving the path to the app :

    runApp('01-hello') # or use 'path\\to\\01-hello'
  2. or you can switch the R working directory into the app folder (by using R command setwd("path/to/01-hello")) and run


After running the app, you’ll get an empty web page.

Single-file Shiny App

A single-file shiny app consists of a single file called app.R which contains both the server and UI components.


ui <- fluidPage()

server <- function(input, output){}

  ui = ui,
  server = server

The User Interface (UI)

UI is de facto an HTML file.

HyperText Markup Language (aka HTML) is the standard markup language for Web pages.

In building ui.R file, what we really do is to construct an HTML file with R functions.

To see so by typing fluidPage() in the R console and you’ll see this function returns an HTML div tag <div class="container-fluid"></div>.

## <div class="container-fluid"></div>

So of course you can build your entire UI with HTML.

By default, Shiny uses bootstrap (which has nothing to do with bootstrap method in statistics), the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

HTML tags

HTML works with TAGS!

shiny::tags is a list of 110 functions. Each function builds a specific HTML tag.

You can build UI by using HTML tags. Use names(tags) to see all available tags.

##   [1] "a"                   "abbr"                "address"            
##   [4] "animate"             "animateMotion"       "animateTransform"   
##   [7] "area"                "article"             "aside"              
##  [10] "audio"               "b"                   "base"               
##  [13] "bdi"                 "bdo"                 "blockquote"         
##  [16] "body"                "br"                  "button"             
##  [19] "canvas"              "caption"             "circle"             
##  [22] "cite"                "clipPath"            "code"               
##  [25] "col"                 "colgroup"            "color-profile"      
##  [28] "command"             "data"                "datalist"           
##  [31] "dd"                  "defs"                "del"                
##  [34] "desc"                "details"             "dfn"                
##  [37] "dialog"              "discard"             "div"                
##  [40] "dl"                  "dt"                  "ellipse"            
##  [43] "em"                  "embed"               "eventsource"        
##  [46] "feBlend"             "feColorMatrix"       "feComponentTransfer"
##  [49] "feComposite"         "feConvolveMatrix"    "feDiffuseLighting"  
##  [52] "feDisplacementMap"   "feDistantLight"      "feDropShadow"       
##  [55] "feFlood"             "feFuncA"             "feFuncB"            
##  [58] "feFuncG"             "feFuncR"             "feGaussianBlur"     
##  [61] "feImage"             "feMerge"             "feMergeNode"        
##  [64] "feMorphology"        "feOffset"            "fePointLight"       
##  [67] "feSpecularLighting"  "feSpotLight"         "feTile"             
##  [70] "feTurbulence"        "fieldset"            "figcaption"         
##  [73] "figure"              "filter"              "footer"             
##  [76] "foreignObject"       "form"                "g"                  
##  [79] "h1"                  "h2"                  "h3"                 
##  [82] "h4"                  "h5"                  "h6"                 
##  [85] "hatch"               "hatchpath"           "head"               
##  [88] "header"              "hgroup"              "hr"                 
##  [91] "html"                "i"                   "iframe"             
##  [94] "image"               "img"                 "input"              
##  [97] "ins"                 "kbd"                 "keygen"             
## [100] "label"               "legend"              "li"                 
## [103] "line"                "linearGradient"      "link"               
## [106] "main"                "map"                 "mark"               
## [109] "marker"              "mask"                "menu"               
## [112] "meta"                "metadata"            "meter"              
## [115] "mpath"               "nav"                 "noscript"           
## [118] "object"              "ol"                  "optgroup"           
## [121] "option"              "output"              "p"                  
## [124] "param"               "path"                "pattern"            
## [127] "picture"             "polygon"             "polyline"           
## [130] "pre"                 "progress"            "q"                  
## [133] "radialGradient"      "rb"                  "rect"               
## [136] "rp"                  "rt"                  "rtc"                
## [139] "ruby"                "s"                   "samp"               
## [142] "script"              "section"             "select"             
## [145] "set"                 "slot"                "small"              
## [148] "solidcolor"          "source"              "span"               
## [151] "stop"                "strong"              "style"              
## [154] "sub"                 "summary"             "sup"                
## [157] "svg"                 "switch"              "symbol"             
## [160] "table"               "tbody"               "td"                 
## [163] "template"            "text"                "textarea"           
## [166] "textPath"            "tfoot"               "th"                 
## [169] "thead"               "time"                "title"              
## [172] "tr"                  "track"               "tspan"              
## [175] "u"                   "ul"                  "use"                
## [178] "var"                 "video"               "view"               
## [181] "wbr"

For more information please look at Customize your UI with HTML.

How can I get any direction to play with tags ???

Adding HTML tags

Modify ui.R in 01-hello folder as follows and run the App again:


    h1("Hello Shiny!"),
    p(strong("bold font "), em("italic font")),
    p(code("code block")),
    a(href="", "link to Google"),
         <label>A numeric input:</label><br /> 
         <input type="number" name="n" value="7" min="1" max="30" />

Hello Shiny!

bold font italic font

code block

link to Google


Note that most commonly used tags (like h1, p, a, etc in example above) have wrapper functions, so you do not need to prefix their names with tags$.


Shiny implemented the layout features available in Bootstrap. You can speed up your development by choosing appropriate layout style.


Panel functions are used to put a group of elements together into a single ‘panel’.

There are several panel functions defined in shiny:


Most of the panel functions return div tags with some class attributes defined in Bootstrap. For example, if you type wellPanel in the R console, you’ll get <div class="well"></div>, which is the well class in Bootstrap.


Layout functions are used to organize panels and elements into an existing layout.

There are several layout functions defined in shiny:

fluidRow(), column() based on the bootstrap grid system. Bootstrap’s grid system uses a series of containers, rows, and columns to layout and align content.
flowLayout() lays out elements in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom arrangement
sidebarLayout() Create a layout with a sidebar and main area. (Most commonly used layout.
splitLayout() Lays out elements horizontally, dividing the available horizontal space into equal parts (by default)
verticalLayout() Create a container that includes one or more rows of content.

Shiny UI layouts

Shiny UI layouts

For more details please look at Application layout guide

sidebarLayout is perhaps the most useful layout. We’ll take it as example here to show the usage of UI layout functions.

See the help document of the sidebarLayout function for detail: ?sidebarLayout


Modify ui.R as follows and run the App again:

  titlePanel("Hello Shiny!"),
         <label>A numeric input:</label><br /> 
         <input type="number" name="n" value="7" min="1" max="30" />
      p(strong("bold font "), em("italic font")),
      p(code("code block")),
      a(href="", "link to Google"))

Hello Shiny!

bold font italic font

code block

link to Google


Wigets are web elements that users can interact with.

“A graphical widget (also graphical control element or control)in a graphical user interface is an element of interaction,such as a button or a scroll bar. Wikipedia

Widgets provide a way for your users to send messages to the Shiny app. Shiny widgets collect values from the user. When a user changes the widget, the value will change as well.

Shiny comes with a family of pre-built widgets, each created with a transparently named R function, which makes the widgets easier to create and look better(using bootstrap style).

The standard Shiny widgets are:

function widget
actionButton Action Button
checkboxGroupInput A group of check boxes
checkboxInput A single check box
dateInput A calendar to aid date selection
dateRangeInput A pair of calendars for selecting a date range
fileInput A file upload control wizard
helpText Help text that can be added to an input form
numericInput A field to enter numbers
radioButtons A set of radio buttons
selectInput A box with choices to select from
sliderInput A slider bar
submitButton A submit button
textInput A field to enter text
Control Widgets

Control Widgets

See examples of widgets:

Each widget function requires several arguments.

The first two arguments for each widget are:

  1. A NAME for the widget to access the widget’s value. The name should be a character string.

  2. A LABEL that will appear with the widget in your app. It should be a character string, but it can be an empty string ““.

The remaining arguments vary from widget to widget, depending on what the widget needs to do its job. Now let’s improve our example by using numericInput instead of HTML code.


Modify ui.R as follows and run the App again:

  titlePanel("Hello Shiny!"),
      numericInput("numInput", "A numeric input:", value = 7, min = 1, max = 30)
      p(strong("bold font "), em("italic font")),
      p(code("code block")),
      a(href="", "link to Google"))

Hello Shiny!

bold font italic font

code block

link to Google

The Server side

Server functions take three parameters: input, output, and session.


The input argument is a LIST-like object that contains all the input data sent from the browser, named according to the input ID.

Input objects are read-only.

If you attempt to modify an input inside the server function, you’ll get an error

ui <- fluidPage(
  numericInput("count", label = "Number of values", value = 100)

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  ... foo( input$count ) ....



Output is a LIST-like object named according to the output ID.

The main difference is that you use it for sending output instead of receiving input.

You always use the output object in concert with a render function

ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$greeting <- renderText("Hello!")


Two steps to do that:

  1. Register your output object in ui.R. That is tell UI

where to put the text output (outlook).

  1. Tell Shiny how to render the output in server.R. That is tell the server

how to render the text (logic).

The render function does two things:

  1. It sets up a reactive context that automatically tracks what inputs the output uses.
  1. It converts the output of your R code into HTML suitable for display on a web page.

Shiny will automatically make an object reactive if the object uses an input value.

In the example above, we used textOutput to register a text output object in ui.R and then used renderText function to render it.

There are many other pairs of *Output and render* functions defined in Shiny and they work together to add R output to the UI.

Output function render function creates
htmlOutput/uiOutput renderUI a Shiny tag object or HTML
imageOutput renderImage images (saved as a link to a source file)
plotOutput renderPlot plots
tableOutput renderTable data frame, matrix, other table like structures
textOutput renderText character strings
verbatimTextOutput renderPrint any printed output

Reactive Programming

An app is going to be pretty boring if it only has inputs or only has outputs. The real magic of Shiny happens when you have an app with both.

Now we want to build our output, which will be updated automatically when an input widget changes.

you don’t need to tell an output when to update, because Shiny automatically figures it out for you.

It’s up to Shiny when (and even if!) the code should be run.

Shiny implements a declarative programming, where you set higher-level goals or constraints, and rely on someone else to decide how and/or when to translate that into action.

To understand the order of execution you need to instead look at the reactive graph

The reactive graph describes how inputs and outputs are connected.

The reactive graph contains one symbol for every input and output, and we connect an input to an output whenever the output accesses the input. This graph tells you that music will need to be recomputed whenever artist is changed. We’ll often describe this relationship as music has a reactive dependency on artist.

For example, we want to build an app with a numeric input in the sidebar panel controls the ‘radius’ of a circle, and a text output in the main panel showing the area of the circle based on the radius input. We want the text output can be updated automatically when the radius value changes.

Reactive Programming

Modify ui.R as follows. It is saying that I want to put a text output object in the main panel.

  titlePanel("Hello Shiny!"),
                   "A numeric input:", 
                   value = 7, min = 1, max = 30)

Modify server.R as follows. It gives the instruction of how to calcuate the area of a circle and what text to print.

function(input, output) {
  # UI: textOutput("txtOutput")
  output$txtOutput = renderText({
    paste0("The area of the circle is: ", pi*input$numInput^2)

Now let’s run the app in showcase mode by calling runApp(display.mode = "showcase").

runApp("shiny_5", display.mode = "showcase")

Handcrafted example

Let’s inspect what I was able to implement: GSECA


Popular packages in developing Shiny apps:

Shiny app What
shinydashboard to create dashboard like UI
shinythemes makes it easy to alter the overall appearance of your Shiny applications
shinyjs perform common JavaScript operations in Shiny apps using plain R code
shinyBS adds several additional Twitter Boostrap components to shiny.
shinyFiles extends the functionality of shiny by providing an API for client side access to the server file system.
shinysky various UI widgets/components not part of Shiny e.g. alerts, styled buttons
plotly create interactive web-based graphs
DT provides filtering, pagination, sorting, and many other features in the tables
leaflet JavaScript libraries for interactive maps

Publish your app

You can publish your apps exploiting the resource, a RStudio’s hosting service for Shiny apps.

Once logged in and uploaded your scripts, you can control your apps through a control panel.

For each app, you have full access to logs and statistics

A work by Matteo Cereda and Fabio Iannelli